Women for Freedom in Jazz – Musik in Venedig
Musik in Venedig und Solidarität während des Sommers
Vom 15. Juni bis 15. September 2018
Jeden Mittwoch und Freitag um 21 Uhr
Top of the Carlton – Hotel Carlton on the Canal Grande
Music and solidarity throughout the summer in Venice
From June 15 to September 14, 2018
Every Wednesday and Friday at 9 pm
At the Top of the Carlton – Hotel Carlton On The Grand Canal
13 wonderful Jazz and Bossa Nova female voices, get together in Venice to help women – and their children – in difficult situations, for a marathon of music and solidarity from June to September in collaboration with the humanitarian organization Women for Freedom. “Women For Freedom” was founded to fight discrimination and exploitation of women and children in emergency conditions, discomfort and poverty.
The shows will take place on the impressive panoramic terrace of Hotel Carlton on the Grand Canal, overlooking the Grand Canal, every Wednesday and Friday at 9 pm.
This Summer event will feature a line-up of top vocalists and musicians performing in duo or trio.
The vocalists will be:
Alessia Obino, Alice Testa, Rosa Emilia Dias, Enrica Bacchia, Carlotta Martorana, Elena Libralesso, Paola Furlano, Federica Capra, Piera Acone, Francesca Della Puppa, Angela Milanese, Francesca Viaro, Francesca Bertazzo Hart.
Direzione artistica: Elena Ferrarese.
Price: 15,00 euros, including one drink.
Part of the profits (Euro 3,00 per ticket) will go to support the organization Women for Freedom.
Booking is recommended.
Hotel Carlton On The Grand Canal
Santa Croce, 578-30135 Venice
Information and reservations
tel. 0412752200 info@carltongrandcanal.com
Press Office for
“Women for Freedom in Jazz”
Elena Ferrarese
E-Motives Communication
Mobile: +39 349 6393917
E-mail: elenaferrarese8@gmail.com
JUNE 2018
Friday 15 June ENRICA BACCHIA (with Massimo Zemolin, 7 string guitar)
Wednesday 20 June ROSA EMILIA (with Giovanni Buoro, guitar)
Friday 22 June FRANCESCA VIARO (with Marco Ponchiroli, piano)
Wednesday 27 June ANGELA MILANESE (with Paolo Vianello, piano, Edu Hebling, bass)
Friday 29 June ALESSIA OBINO (with Daniele Santimone, guitar)
JULY 2018
Wednesday 4 July FRANCESCA BERTAZZO HART (with Matteo Alfonso, piano)
Friday 6 July PIERA ACONE (with Roberto Dei Rossi, guitar, Matteo Alfonso, organ)
Wednesday 11 July CARLOTTA MARTORANA (with Renato Greco, guitar, Enrico Pagnin, clarinet)
Friday 13 July FEDERICA CAPRA (with Mattia Magatelli, contrabass, Alessandro Florio, guitar)
Wednesday 18 July FRANCESCA DELLA PUPPA (with Davide Baldo, guitar, Marco Privato,
Friday 20 July PAOLA FURLANO (with Paolo Vianello, piano, Marco Privato, contrabass)
Wednesday 25 July FEDERICA CAPRA (with Mattia Magatelli, bass, Gianpaolo Rinaldi, piano)
Friday 27 July ALESSIA OBINO (with Enrico Terragnoli, banjo)
Wednesday 1 August FRANCESCA BERTAZZO HART (with Beppe Pilotto, guitar)
Friday 3 August PIERA ACONE (with Roberto Dei Rossi, guitar, Matteo Alfonso, organ)
Wednesday 8 August ALICE TESTA (with Matteo Alfonso, piano)
Friday 10 August ENRICA BACCHIA (with Massimo Zemolin, 7 string guitar)
Wednesday 15 August ELENA LIBRALESSO (with Mauro Spanò, piano, and Filippo Manpreso, drums)
Friday 17 August FRANCESCA VIARO (with Dario Zennaro, guitar, Lello Gnesutta, bass)
Wednesday 22 August ROSA EMILIA (with Marco Ponchiroli, piano)
Friday 24 August CARLOTTA MARTORANA (with Matteo Alfonso, piano, Rosa Brunello, contrabass)
Tuesday 28 August PAOLA FURLANO (with Paolo Vianello, piano)
Friday 31 August ANGELA MILANESE (with Paolo Vianello, piano)
Wednesday 5 September ELENA LIBRALESSO (with Davide Baldo, guitar, Marco Privato, contrabass)
Friday 7 September ROSA EMILIA (with Giovanni Buoro, guitar)
Wednesday 12 September ALICE TESTA (with Riccardo Bertuzzi, guitar)
Friday 14 September FRANCESCA DELLA PUPPA (with Davide Baldo, guitar, Marco Privato,
Hotel Carlton On The Grand Canal
Santa Croce, 578-30135 Venice
Information and reservations
tel. 0412752200 info@carltongrandcanal.com
Press Office for Women for Freedom in Jazz
Elena Ferrarese
E-Motives Communication
Mobile: +39 349 6393917
E-mail: elenaferrarese8@gmail.com